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Hannah Millbank joins the Pink Ladies for a evening of Summer Lovin’ and 1950s glamour at the Bristol Hippodrome

Hands up who knows every word to Summer Lovin’?

And every move to Hand Jive?

If you’ve already bust out your rock ‘n’ roll moves at the mere mention of these Grease classics, then this show is for you. We enjoyed an evening of smiling, laughter and fun as the 1950s teens burst on to the stage, gyrating and bragging as they navigate through that confusing, exciting and terrifying stage of life that falls between teenage and adulthood.

Fifties glamour was brought to life through colourful costumes, including the instantly recognisable tight leather that we remember from ‘that’ final scene in the John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John film. And Kenickie’s infamous, run-down car provides the perfect stage prop on which to perform everyone’s favourite – Greased Lightening.

As a teenage girl, I’d longed to be like the Pink Ladies, hoping for a perfectly cool T-bird to offer me his leather jacket. Hadn’t we all? So, me and my friend were instantly transported back to the hazy days of school discos and dance floors, jumping to our feet as the Grease Megamix closed the show.

During the interval, we couldn’t help comment on how this popular tale doesn’t quite gel with the morals and values of modern day. But somehow the audience can see through the bravado as this stage show rendition portrays the genuine innocence of these young adults. As couples pair up, you can’t help but feel that these kids are just trying their best to fit in and find their place in the world – which, despite their sometimes questionable attitude towards sex and love and friendship – perhaps isn’t too dissimilar to the challenges our young people face today.

Raunchy, amusing and colourful, the show follows all the familiar characters, bringing the twists and tales of teenage years to life: from Rizzo’s unplanned pregnancy and Frenchy’s failing beautician career to Sandra Dee and Danny Zucco’s dreamy summer romance. All the favourites are there and all the tunes that come with it.

Stage settings were surprisingly simple, managing to bring a high school feel to the theatre. While Vince Fontaine lorded over the stage in his DJ box entertaining us all while scenes were changed and leading the explosive High School Disco Hop at the start of the second act.

The cast were great. Undeniably talented and professional, they created an atmosphere that was somehow appropriately informal, inviting the audience in and making us feel part of the gang. It’s a tall ask to perform such iconic songs in front of an expectant crowd, but they pulled it off and appeared to be having as much fun as we were.  

The energy with which they performed the jive moves, was impressive to say the least – even Craig Revel Horwood would find it hard not to reach for his number 10 paddle when he saw the bounce in their steps.

As we filtered out of the theatre, we left with our very own bounce in our steps, along with some earworms that I fear will remain in my head for a good few days to come. You’re the one that I want…

Grease is live at the Bristol Hippodrome until 21 September. For more information and to book tickets, go to