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Wellsway School and IKB Academy is celebrating the achievements of its Sixth Form students as a result of their performance in their A-Level and vocational qualifications.

“I am extremely proud of all our students, so many have worked exceptionally hard and clearly been rewarded for their ability to adapt and maintain a sustained focus on their learning,” said Amy Chapman, Director of Sixth Form, Wellsway and IKB.

Laurie and Adam

“The past two years of their education has come with significant challenges, and I’m pleased that so many now have the qualifications and skills they need to go on to the next stage of their life. It has been an honour to be able to support each of you on your journey, even for only a short amount of time and really hope you can look back at your time in sixth form with great memories. Best of luck to all of you in your future and please keep in touch.”

Headteacher, Rob Pearsall, added, “We are immensely proud of our Year 13 students and all of their achievements throughout their time in Sixth Form. This comes after an unprecedented educational journey and challenging examinations; they have shown resilience and perseverance in the face of many challenges.

Josie and mum

“We are exceptionally proud of all that they have achieved both in and out of the classroom over their time at Wellsway School and IKB Academy. Nothing should distract us from the celebration of this point in their lives; our priority has been to do everything we can to support our students and to help them achieve their aspirations.”

Among the students who have achieved outstanding results are –

  • Laurie achieved 4 A*s in Computing, Further Maths, Maths ad Physics
  • Sandilya achieved 1 A* and 3s in Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Extended project
  • Isobel achieved 3 As in Biology, Chemistry and Psychology
  • Nathan achieved 3 A*s in Maths, Further Maths and Physics
  • Adam achieved 3 A*s and an A in French, Maths, Extended project, and History
  • Henry achieved 3 A*s in Business, Geography and Psychology
  • Josie achieved 1 A* and 2As in English Literature, History and Psychology
  • Mike achieved 1 A* and 2As in Business, Biology, Computing and Core Maths
  • Zoe achieved 1 A* in Biology, 1 A in Chemistry and a B in Maths
  • Harriett achieved 2 As in Maths and Biology and a B in Chemistry
  • Tom achieved a Distinction* in Engineering and 2 Bs in Maths and Physics

“There are so many other individuals that we could name for their achievements; our congratulations and admiration go to all our students who have conducted themselves brilliantly throughout their time with us at Wellsway School and IKB Academy,” added Rob Pearsall. “Many of our students made significant progress over the two years including – Josh, Edison, Honey, Roan, Aram, Flo and Che. We are incredibly proud of you all.

Grace and Abbie

“As a truly comprehensive Sixth Form, catering for all abilities, we are pleased that almost all students have achieved grades that have enabled them to successfully progress to the next stage of their chosen route in either education, training or employment. It is great to see so many students gaining university places to study a diverse range of subjects such Medicine Sandilya at University of East Anglia and the University of Plymouth, Computer Science at the University of Cambridge, Mathematics at University of Warwick, Law at the University of York, Business and Management at the University of Exeter, English Literature at Newcastle University, Biological Sciences at the University of Birmingham and Business and Finance at Oxford Brookes University.

“In addition, we have several students who have successfully gained apprenticeships and employment. George and Harry have apprenticeships at Wessex Water, Roan is applying to the RAF, Emily is currently working for an accountancy firm before volunteering abroad, and Austin and Joe have engineering apprenticeships in the RAF and Navy.

“It is always a privilege to have the opportunity to celebrate with students on results day and we wish them every success as they prepare for the next chapter in their lives. We would like to thank the students and teachers for their hard work, and the parents for their support, over the last seven years.

“Well done to the class of 2024 – you have made us very proud!” /