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A big milestone for Montpelier’s Fairlawn School takes place this week, as the primary’s first Year 6 pupils break-up for the summer, ready to start the next step of the schooling journey at secondary in September.

Members of the ‘Peake’ class started as Fairlawn’s first reception intake in 2015 and have experienced several firsts during their time at the Montpelier school. The first Fairlawn students to take on SATs tests, the first to head off on a residential visit and, most recently, the first to take part in a Year-6 leaving performance which celebrated the end of their primary years at Fairlawn.

“I’ll miss Fairlawn and all my friends!” one of the pupils said of their time at the school, while others raved about the teachers and promised to stay in touch with the school and their friends. 

Joining the school seven years ago, Principal Julie Molesworth has been there since the doors opened: “It’s been wonderful to watch these children – and our school – grow,” she said. “Fairlawn is a happy and nurturing environment, and we are proud to see our first Year 6 enthusiastically looking forward to their next steps in life. We’re going to miss them terribly, but we wish them all the very best of luck.”

Heading off on a high, Fairlawn’s first cohort of children performed well in their KS2 SATs assessments, with 96% passing their reading paper.